Ανησυχητική η ... ανησυχία από την άλλη πλευρά του Ατλαντικού

Τίτλοι στo Bloomberg την Δευτέρα 20/4/2015 ... “Greece Without Europe Is a Banana Republic”, “Greece Loan Default Does Not Mean ‘Grexit’”, “Will Greece Be Grouped With Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe?”, “Euro Area Seeks Greek Roadmap by Mid-May”, “Greek Debt Deal: A New May Deadline?”, “Will Politics Force an Endgame on Greek Debt?”, “Europe Is Not Getting Worse Than It Was”, “Varoufakis Shows More Game Than Game Theory”, “Greece, Creditors Far From Deal”, “Capital Controls to Cause Recession in Greece”, “Greece Poses Political Threat to Euro Area”, “Should U.Σ. Investors Worry About Greece?”, How Much Should U.Σ. Investors Worry About Greece?”